
Once your vet has suggested hydrotherapy you need to get them to sign the vet referral form available from this site. You can then contact us to arrange your introductory session. The referral form can be sent direct to us, or you can bring it with you on your introductory session. Please note treatment cannot commence without this signed form.

Introductory Session:

During this session we will discuss your dog’s condition, medication, our terms and conditions and your requirements. We will take measurements to enable us to monitor changes throughout the course. Assess proprioception and general fitness of the dog and enable it to get used to the environment. We will then devise a treatment plan tailored to individual needs.

Subsequent sessions:

These sessions will be approximately 30 minutes. We will discuss how your dog recovered after the previous session, and how they have been since. After this discussion, and an assessment of the dog’s demeanour on the day, we may amend the treatment plan if required.

During each session the dog will be given proper rest breaks and vital signs closely monitored to ensure they are not over excersised

Clinical notes will be made after each session, which we will be sent to your vet at appropriate intervals to keep them informed of progress.


See our terms and conditions…